Monday, June 1, 2009

Remembering Comic Con '08

...The Hulk...The Hulk... Made me shrivel up like a 5 year old.

One for the books! (whoa, my hair was light!)

Camille, Mark Ryden, Marion Peck, and Brandi Milne on the same table...hhhshshsh.

Signing Super Cute Girl's Book, not a bad gig.

Are You Kidding Me?

Last year was the first time I had ever been to Comic Con and I was overwhelmed! This year, I know what to expect, and I'm looking forward to it! I'll be signing my books along with Miss Mindy (whom I've mentioned was the cutest!) at the Baby Tattoo Books Booth, so come find us! We have something sweet~n~special in mind for all of you - don't miss it. Plus, I have to say, honestly, Baby Tattoo is the best, most decorative and pleasing to the eye booth in the entire place. DEFINATELY cute, weird, special, dark, odd, killer, freak, colorful, candied & dope as hell. And, with me & Mindy there, socks will be knocked off, all day Saturday. Betcher bottom dollar.


Alissa said...

Aaah how funny, you got to meet the Hulk! I've never been to a Comic Con before. Someday I would like to check it out for myself.


Yeah, i had to pay 30 bucks to take this picture with him - best 30 bucks I've spent ... since... well, it was a good time. You should go this year!!

drollgirl said...

wow! the hulk?!?!? and i love mark ryden's work. boy, this must be so fun for you! enjoy!

Ash Fox said...

that's so awesome! love it!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Too, too cool. I've always wanted to go to one of these...