Monday, November 16, 2009

Christmas Time Is Here...Happiness And Cheer...

Yesterday I took down Halloween and put up Christmas. I was a bit sad to see Halloween go, it gave me so much inspiration this year ~ especially in my work. Masks, pumpkins, skulls, cats, darkness. But Christmas is just the opposite, and it's a good change too. Candies, sugar, stockings, snow, toys. Here you can see the books I used to highlight Christmas goodness, including Miss Mindy's Sassy Paper Doll Bonanza, Femke Heimstra's Rock Candy, and Lilli Carre's Tales Of Woodsman Pete. All of which would make great gifts this year as well!

If you think about it, you could make great themed gifts with each of those items ~ or any book for that matter! Last year I made a themed gift with my book (So Good For Little Bunnies) with a hairy stuffed bunny, soft pink slippers, a baby stocking with starlight peppermints & those spice drop candies and wrapped it all with red ribbon and bows...with Miss Mindy's Paper Doll book, I see crazy scarves, cute panties, nighties, stockings, broaches, feathers and even throw in a vintage toy or sweet candy canes!

I love Christmas. And when it's early like this, when all the stores start carrying all their Christmas goods, I go nuts scooping up all the wrapping paper, ribbons, bags and decorations. Wrapping is 60% of the fun!

***Speaking of fun, stay tuned for my CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!! I'm not sure what it'll be yet, but it'll be fun and it'll most likely be wrapped with a red bow! I'll do it early in December to clear the Christmas rush too. Details soon!***

Merry Monday to you all!


Victoria Stitch said...

I'm so excited about Christmas too! I keep going into all the christmas shops and looking at all the glitter and decorations and fairylights! I think this is the best side of the year definitly! Love all your decorations!

Heidi Alamanda said...

Love your Christmas decorations. Need to learn from you to decorate my place:)

Print Postcards said...

Can't wait for your Christmas giveaway. Me and my partner is working on a Candy Dishes project for Christmas. We're using plaster and polymer clays for the leaves and other details.

Unknown said...

Yay! - Yes... must decorate now- you've inspired me! -And thank you for the book shout out.. stockin's 'n fun, I gotta go and nab some of that stuff for christmas prezzies! -I've been in the cartoonland cave-and missed Liz's show! dern. I MUST see it! wow! I just love her...
love loev-

Nicomi Nix Turner said...

Woo! You've got quite the collection!