Friday, October 9, 2015

Once Upon A Time, Life Was Sweeter Than We Knew

Here is my painting Once Upon A Time, Life Was Sweeter Than We Knew (acrylic on wood) for Corey Helford Gallery's group show back in July! This is a story about being the author of your own life and choosing to enjoy the wonderful moments that life presents to you. I'm really loving reds and whites at the moment, I've kind of been obsessed! I can't stop painting cherries and all I want is for everything to be translucent! When I was little, I was certainly obsessed with candy (as maybe lots of little kids might be!) and I used to get these Jolly Rancher sticks that were flat and small and had a translucency that I can't get out of my head. Specifically the watermelon flavor - that particular color of pink is what inspired this little lamb's feather in her hat and her top...and the rainbow and the cherries and the cherry syrup she's sitting in. Obsessed.
Huddled to take a picture at the show opening (cus pics are the most important part?) with (myself) Sherri Trajan, Jan Corey Helford, Sara Folkman, Natalia Fabia & Lola
Jan Corey Helford & Natalia Fabia
Jessica Louise, Rob, Brandi Milne, Ryh-Ming Poon, Lola
Brandi Milne, Jan Corey Helford & Natalia Fabia
And from behind, Lola, Ryh-Ming Poon, Brandi Milne, Rob and Jessica Louise

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Ice Cream Sprinkles