Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Being Girly, So?!

I traveled up to LA a few weeks ago to make a video with SKETCH THEATRE, my sixth installment! But this one is super special because it features the musical stylings of my friend Chantal Menard ~ her song October Lullaby is so dreamy and sad, I wanted to use it with my work the first time I heard it! Go see how dreamy and girly it is HEEEERRRRREEEEE!!!! ...

Wildfox Couture - Vive La France from ny lon on Vimeo.

Wildfox Couture Fall 2010: It's Witchcraft from WILDFOX PR on Vimeo.

I also love these videos from Wildfox, they've really sparked a new obsession as of so so girly and silly and cute!!

I'm Always Waiting for You... from 80's Purple on Vimeo.

Bounce Rock Skate from 80's Purple on Vimeo.

I found these from 80's Purple and they done did it right too...

The Loved One Slumber Party! from The Loved One on Vimeo.

This one by Hannah from Hannah & Landon is way too cute as well! I need more!!

***Special LOVE AND THANK YOU to Lily from Sketch Theatre, and Chantal Menard ~ I'm so happy to have such talent surrounding me...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Twitter Me This

If you follow me on twitter, you would be certain the following facts are true:

1. I miss Michael Keaton and Bea Arthur equally
2. My shins are sharp as a razor's edge
3. Not doing math is harder than doing math AND I love Natalia Fabia
4. I am {admittedly} a solitaire addict
5. Sometimes I'm too lazy to Double Dutch

You would also already know of these things:

My peppermints are now a part of Abby from So Good For Bunnies's flesh... elbow flesh...

This magical painting from Lola belongs to me...

And I want to see this my lifetime {Julliette Lewis}

You would also have secret clues to new artworks, my process and panic. You would find that {right now} I'm working a white giraffe into a painting with black cherry trees and an E that stands for Elton John...You would marvel at the profound ideas that fly through my lonely head, hour after hour while I'm painting the same area those very same hours ~ something like..."I wish I had a laugh like Ray a maniac" or "my paints smell like vanilla frosting"...or "Voodoo disolving is part of life, I just need to figure it out". Let's follow eachother..

Find me and Follow me HERE!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Building A Girl Nest {Years Ago}

Growing up I always wanted to be an artist ~ I've drawn all my life (blahblahblah), different things at different times. But, as a teenager in the 90's {High School} I really didn't spend much time drawing. I had two older sisters ~ which means I had access to A LOT of fashion and movie magazines at that time. Well as any youngest sibling will do, I took from my older sisters what I could, if only to "borrow" for just a moment (with nary a return in my mind). But as it was so long ago, I feel I can finally tell the story of the nest I was building out of torn pages from those magazines ~ a photo collection/obsession of girls...girls and more girls...

I collected images of models I loved at the time in the beginning. I remember sneaking into my sister's closet where she had STACKS of Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle and later Jane and what have you. When she wasn't home, I would hoard a stack and start rummaging through, ripping and tearing as I went...{she's gonna grab my hair for this}...

At first, I only collected a few images of Cindy Crawford and some of the Super Models of the times ~ and folded them into my drawer so my sister wouldn't know I defaced her property (yeah right, like she couldn't guess who it was). I loved the pictures of their hair and makeup and clothes and maybe the way the photo was shot. I was attracted to it all, and as time went on, the stacks in my drawers became too large for me to keep sneaky, so I started a folder...

This went on, for years and years {well into the 2000s} when I could buy my own and not sneak and feel guilty {yeah right, I never felt guilty ~ she deserved it and so did I ~ haaha!}. I have 5 largely packed 3" binders now, only kept at bay because my obsession took a break in mid to late 2000s when I wasn't feelin the ads and the girls weren't wearing that much makeup and I canceled all my subscriptions.

So now looking back and leafing through the thousands of pages in the folders, I feel like I may have been building a nest...

A nest of inspiration or direction for my latter years (now), for my art and what not ~ without even knowing it.

Picture overload? I don't think so. Girls adore girls when they're not being catty and mean...

Whatever the thought was then for collecting and keeping all this and more, I'm glad I did it, and I'm glad I never tossed these puppies out.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cotton Candy Machine's Tiny Trifecta Opening

The CRAZY talented Tara McPherson is celebrating the opening of her first store Cotton Candy Machine in New York this coming weekend! She's asked 100 artist's to create a piece of art to sell for $100 on the 100th day of the year!!! (WHAAAAAT?) It's true, and I'm stoked. The tiny pieces will be snapped up so fast, so if you're interested, here's some info (artist list). And if you're in NY, getcher BUTT in there this Saturday (April 9th) to see Tara's cute~as~can~be Cotton Candy Machine!!! RAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Here are a few of the pieces as they were coming in (photo from Tara).

This is my contribution ~ graphite and acrylic on paper, measures 5"x7"...and it's only $100!!! With this line up, and this price point, don't you dare wait!!

**Much love to Tara, and congratulations on the store opening!! Xoxoxox!!